IT related Services
Troubles in the IT world? We Webmaster for You. Core services include:
Set-up and trouble shooting for websites & shop systems
e.g. installation and maintenance,
plug-in installation or repair,
and database installation or repair.
Legal concerns
We help you select a suitable certificate and integrate it;
check your imprints and terms of use;
care for adequate disclaimers on data use & protection according to national regulations.
Responsive webdesign for existing & new websites
We modernize your existing website
or build a smart new one.
Code solutions (php, SQL, html5, css)
...and what else is needed on your digital alley.
Quality assurance
Quality assurance does include user experience and code,
professional manual testing front-end and back-end,
back-ups, complete code and data.
Transfers to new servers/hosts
We transfer shop systems, websites, and CMS systems or blogs.